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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 4, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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return what they didn't spend. a u.s. district judge ordered bloomenergy to pay the workers $31,922 in back wages plus the same amount in damages and the department of labor hit the company with $6,160 in civil penalties. blanco says the workers were surprised to hear they were protected and they would be getting back pay. >> they were very surprised. they were very surprised because they felt they didn't have any protection in the united states. >> reporter: now we did did, to reiterate, reach out to bloomenergy. they said no comment. the attorney for the company also offered no comment. now the spokesperson for the labor department says this should serve as a reminder to employers and to employees that federal law protects workers whether or not they are here illegally. in sunnyvale, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> kris, thank you. have you been able to function today? an emotional day for so many in the bay area, everyone just trying to digest what we saw
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last night. tonight, take a look. the 49ers are back home, arriving at the airport. now despite the gut wrenching loss, this was a magical season. some touching moments from the fans and players. an impromptu homecoming celebration. let's bring in damian trujillo. damian? >> reporter: raj, most of the players left team headquarters about an hour ago but some crazy fans are still out here hoping to get an autograph or to wave at some of their favorite players who still might be in the training facility. a lot of broken hearts here tonight, but the fans said they wanted to be out here to show the niners that they share their pain and are with them win or lose. they waited more than three hours for their beloved 49ers to arrive. >> here to support the 49ers. they did an awesome job. in our eyes they're still
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winners. >> and there they were taxiing to the waiting team buses and the wait iing fans made sure to let the players know they still have their back. >> show my support for the team. when they're down-and-out, they need fan support, right? >> the buses made their way to highway 101 where more adoring fans waited to give their heroes' welcome. >> niners. >> go niners! >> i'm here today just to let my niners know i'm here for life, baby. i'm a die hard. i'm a faithful. i'll always be here for you guys. to the end, baby. >> oh, sure. for life. that really hurts bad. imagine being a player. how bad that hurts. we're really sad. >> reporter: this is their parade this year, and cheering them on were a couple dozen children. one parent said it was important to pull her kids from class for this lesson, a lesson on how to handle defeat.
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>> you improve. you bounce back. you learn that you're stronger. you look back at some things that can be changed and cannot be changed. >> reporter: they may have lost the super bowl, but these fans say in their eyes the 49ers will always be winners. i was reading the tweets by some of the players as they were arriving both at minetta and here at team headquarters and they said they appreciated all the fan support. actually they said they could feel the love. live at thiners headquarters, i'm damian trujillo. to relive all the super bowl ups and downs, just go to our website, search super bowl. if you want to rewatch a favorite commercial, n new details in a violent home invasion. san jose police have a better idea what one of the suspects looked like in the attack on an elderly woman.
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investigators say a man resembling this sketch beat up the mother and her daughter when they caught him and his partner trying to break into their car early friday morning. two men chased the women back into their home. this is the 74-year-old woman. look at the bruises on her face. the women were able to escape to a neighbor's home. police say the suspects then ransacked the house and took off. police so far do not have a description of that second suspect. well, students returning to fair field middle school this morning were greeted by police and grief counselors, all on hand to offer support and to ask questions. as to the apparent murder of a fellow student. the girl's naked body was discovered at a popular mark. jodi hernandez joins us live. it has to be so unnerving for the teachers and parents. >> reporter: it's very frightening, jessica. fair field police are keeping very tightlipped about their investigation. they still have not released the
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girl's identity but the killing has rattled everyone here in fair field. there's a makeshift memorial here at the park. this is where people have been stopping by to express their grief but the girl's classmates and friends are really taking it hard. >> she was the sweetest girl ever. she would 0 just make everyone's day. she would always be smiling no matter what she had going on in her life. she would put on a smile and make everyone smile. >> reporter: that's how alice is a watson described her close friend. a seventh grader found unclothed and dead at fair field's park early friday morning. >> i think it's just terrible because she was only 13.his everyone at that age, they should still have, like, a long life ahead of them. they should have a good life. >> reporter: police spent the day at the school interviewing
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everyone who interacted thursday. her foster parents reported her missing later that evening. >> obviously we have somebody that has killed one person and that's what we have right now. we are as cautious as anybody else in an effort to try to get this person identified and in custody. >> reporter: a familiy member visited a makeshift memorial dropping off red and purple tulips, girl's favorite colors. she didn't want to show her face on camera but says the family is heartbroken. >> i just want her to know that, you know, that she was loved and that she is missed and she'll never be forgotten. just really hope whoever did this gets caught soon. >> i hope she is okay and doing good. >> alice is a's heartbroken, too, and terrified. until the killer's caught she says she won't feel safe. >> now that it's near me, i'm scared. i don't want to take the bus
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alone. i want my mom to pick me up instead of having to walk home. i don't want to be alone anymore. >> reporter: she says she saw her friend at school and stopped her in the hallway, gave her a hug not knowing that would be the last time she would see her. police did interview alice is a and other students today. we are told it was a very emotional day filled with a lot of tears and hugs. counselors were on hand. reporting live in fair field, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> jodi, thank you. what would lead a daughter to allegedly stab her mother? the sonoma county sheriff's department is on the case. nancy was found dead on the floor of a bedroom in her home early this morning in a quiet neighborhood. her daughter, 24-year-old julia franzen was arrested of the bloody attack. detectives found a large kitchen
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knife believed to be used in the stabbing. they also say they've gone to the house multiple times in the past. a mid morning shooting left one you dead on a busy street in berkeley. it happened on delaware street. police found a man who was shot. he later died at a local hospital. witnesses said they heard several shots fired, saw the man fall and then saw someone running on delaware street. no arrest made. this was the first homicide of the year in berkeley. a new way to burglarize homes and minimize the risk of getting caught. all in the east bay. >> they managed to get their hands on a newspaper description from the contra costa times. call when you're going to be out of town. it shows dates that subscribers want a newspaper delivery to stop. the two men were arrested outside a home in livermore that was on the list. one more suspect. clear how many homes were burglarized and how long the homes have been targeted.
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the institute of new security measures to prevent this from happening again. >> harrison, the alameda county d district attorney, allegedly violating laws involving hazardous materials. the complaint alleges that since late 2006 bp and arco improperly handled underground tanks. seven other california das have signed on as well t. alleges bp and arco tampered with devices, didn't conduct enough monthly inspections and failed to maintain their alarm systems. the investigation began the gas stations across the state in alameda county. >> reporter: i'm scott budman at tivo. what we watch and rewatch the most on super bowl sunday. >> thank you, scott. coming up, millions of skiers and snowboarders flock to them every year. how safe are california ski resorts?
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tonight the investigative unit hits the slope. and a high flying controversy involving a helicopter and a high school football game. how much it costs taxpayers. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. temperatures dropping in the bay. 48 in san francisco and 46 in napa. clouds tomorrow is going to cap off some of the poor air quality. we'll talk more about some big changes this week coming up in a few minutes. you can't move the tv there.
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yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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♪ the one and only, cheerios a popular local airline is spreading its wings. virgin america will begin flying from san jose to l.a. the airline will offer four nonstop flights to l.a.x. can beginning may 1. they hope the carrier will add east coast flights in the coming years and the airport's spokesperson says the airline is a good fit to lure high-tech
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travelers to the south bay. >> virgin america also offers wi-fi onboard their flights. so onboard people traveling on business can be much more efficient during that hour long trip to l.a. >> virgin america says its research shows while its customers are willing to drive to sfo for long haul flights they would rather fly out of sjc for shorter flights. tickets for the first flights to l.a. go on sale tomorrow morning. that's also when the airline will announce the price of those flights. >> okay. when you buy something on line, you have to identify yourself. that's what a court decided today and local companies wibe expected. is this good or bad news? >> reporter: some will call this a bad thing for consumers. when we shop online we have to provide addresses and phone numbers. that's okay. the ruling says apple, ebay and other online retailers are not breaking the law when they ask for personal information when you shop with your credit card.
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speaking of the web, some popular websites were blocked this morning for users of the google chrome browsers. they were met with a warning sites like "the new york times" and huffington post were blocked by malware. a huge buy and we're not talking about a super bowl ad. this is about oracle spending around $2 billion to buy a networking company. it's a big buyout even for oracle competing with the likes of cisco and june perfect. we are talking about a super bowl ad. $8 million a minute and some of those ads got a lot of attention. we learn which one got the most attention from tivo. >> kaepernick lost it in the air. >> reporter: it's the noes tivo'd play, the most frustrate to go niner fans -- >> past the 50 -- >> reporter: and the second most rematched play was this dagger of a kick return. let's focus on the most replayed
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ads. according to tivo, this taco bell spot was number one. >> there are two sides to go. >> reporter: and, yes, this go daddy spot near the top two, both trying to make you laugh. >> there's a fine line, right is this that humor that is appropriate and makes you chuckle but, you know, the go daddy commercial came in number three this year, it depends what kind of humor you're going for, a different type of reaction. >> reporter: tivo tacked everything we watched and rewatched and the biggest crowd tuned in to beyonce. >> a higher number of viewers tune in to watch the halftime show, so it is a draw above and beyond the game. >> reporter: in fact it's got then to the point where we use so much silicon valley technology during the big game we don't even think about it. the super bowl was massively tweeted about thanks to second screens like yahoo! >> watching tv has always been social. back in the day people used to
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gather around the tube and then the water cooler and now that is known to the individual landscape. people are having that water cooler moment but on their devices. >> reporter: used to be all you needed to watch the super bowl was a tv. now lots of extra technology is in your living room, too. twitter also released figures for the super bowl. the peak during the power outage. it had us reaching for mobile devic devices. the most tweeted about play was that 108 yard return. >> we'll keep rewinding it change the outcome of the game? >> reporter: i'm afraid not. a sign of the times in fremont and that sign is literally coming down. a deal just closed on friday. today crews began removing sindra's name. it collapsed despite receiving half a million dollars in loans.
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just $90,000. the facility cost $300 million. >> the santa clara valley transportation has approved the purchase of 29 clean energy buses. they will replace older transit buses. the buses will be powered by hybrid diesel technology with much lower emission than regular diesel. in addition 25% better fuel economy, feature less space and be equipped with, yes, free 4g wi-fi access. let's bring in our chief meteorologist 0 jeff ranieri to match the mood of the bay area, rain in a lot of places today, everyone is somber about the niners. >> monday letdown. everybody is dragging their feet. we have some weather in here the next couple of days that may put a little extra kick this your step. our numbers are all over the board. you go down to san rafel and you had 62. the fog hung in through the midday hours. 65 in livermore and then just go
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off the north of concord and temperatures in the upper 50s. you have 54 and 66 in los gatos. some spots had a last minute sprint. we got that sunshine. san rafael at 53 and then at 2:00 nine degree temperature m jump in one hour as you pop up to 62 degrees at 2:00 p.m. currently numbers cool off to the north bay with some mid-40s developing in napa. dew points beginning to lower and we are finding areas of fog in the north bay. to our live sky camera network tonight and you can see in san francisco we have a marine layer that we're dealing with for tonight. gorgeous shot but if you're doing any traveling tomorrow morning, watch out for the low clouds and the fog that you're going to have to commute in. sunset in the san mateo bridge. mainly cloudy. let's get the you into our next weather maker as we head throughout the week. we'll get some sun in here for tomorrow. as you head through thursday and
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also friday our next storm system is developing and it's going to bring us some drastically different weather. for about two weeks now we've been stuck with all this sunshine and warmer temperatures. this front will move in on thursday, increase our chance of rain, also drop temperatures some 10 to 15 degrees and so much cold air with it snow levels look to lower to an estimated 2,000 feet. so, once again, thursday and friday those are going to be the active days in our forecast this week. for tomorrow we start off with temperatures primarily in the 40s here at 8:00 in the morning. by the noon hour mainly cloudy but here you go. by the afternoon hours we'll be over that hump and will get some sunshine as we head 4:00 and 5:00 with temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. you stay dry as we head throughout tuesday and wednesday and then get some showers in here on thursday's forecast, more coming up in the next seven day on what this upcoming weekend holds in store for us. >> thank you, jeff. still ahead at 6:00, bringing
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down the legendary stadium. hunting for answers after a tour bus crash killed seven passengers in southern california. the latest as investigators focus on the company's safety record. >> it is what it is. we've dealt with it. we're moving on. >> and back in business, team oracle gets back in the water after a major setback in the race for the america's cup.
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their new multimillion dollar boat tipped over right before our eyes last october. it was a serious blow for the oracle racing team. >> you saw it right on tv. as joe rosato jr. shows us, the boat is fixed with all brand-new and the team is finally back in the water. >> reporter: anyone who has ever
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played a sport knows there are sometimes hiccups along the road, but the oracle racing team, the mother of all setbacks, came last october when its $8 million boat crashed in the bay during practice destroying its wing and sail. >> we lost a lot of time. we did a lot of damage to our equipment. >> reporter: the accident grounded them. the massive boat that will sail in this summer's america cup yacht race. >> we were down for a while but we made a plan. it took us about ten days to make a really solid plan. >> reporter: under that plan the team set up work on a second wing that was already under way but with only a limited number of practice days allowed under cup rules, the team was falling behind international competitors. >> we'd rather it didn't happen, but it is what it is. we've dealt with it and we're moving on. >> reporter: and today the push
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to move be on finally got some wind in its sails. for the first time since the accident the newly repaired ac-72 was set to return to the water. >> this is going to go down as one of the key moments of this campaign. spent a lot of work. at the end of the day we have a better boat now. >> reporter: jimmy, who was aboard the day of the crash said the team used the down time to make improvements. he said getting the boat back in the water was as much about improving morale as design. >> you always have the tough, challenging moments and the teams that can bounce back from that are the channmpion teams. >> reporter: oracle will restart training for this july's luis vitton cup hoping the winds of promise will be on its side. joe rosato jr. nbc bay area news. it's going to be a wild summer on the bay. shedding some light on that blackout, still ahead, what might be the cause of the super bowl mishapp.
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mishap. the investigation into an accident involving a helicopter and a northernc california high school football game. >> reporter: and potentially dangerous has arzards at a ski resort a. first ever report card grading your favorite ski areas. and i'm janelle wang. a woman found murdered in turkey. the latest on the certificate for her killer. and for the first time we hear from the young pakistani girl shot by the taliban. her first message to the public next.
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it's all about safety on the slopes. this will be a must-see report card for skiers and boarders he is pegs ly for parents. >> the first ever grading system every ski resort in the state has. >> reporter: only one ski resort in the state got an "f" for
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safety and the highest mark was a "b." we took to the slopes to get a firsthand look at hazards this new report identifies. >> this is a fixed cable. >> reporter: from cables at neck height. run down chair lifts to exposed metal poles. >> who is going to hit it downhill? >> reporter: a former ski patroller who has been involved in several injury lawsuits against the industry. >> the fences and the hazard marking and the signing and all that stuff is up there. but when you look at it closely, some of it's incredibly dangerous. >> reporter: to help people know about potential dangers on the mountain, he led a team of researchers who made unannounced visits to every ski area. his findings became the basis to this report card by the ski and snowboard foundation.
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the advocacy group gave grades that ranged from a "b" to an "f" at mt. baldy outside of l.a. boreal in tahoe received a "d." low marks for snow making equipment along the slopes, padding facing the wrong direction. >> we're constantly correcting padding issues. it was put together on a single day. a one-off day they came in and evaluated the resort. >> reporter: and the president of mt. baldy responded to that low grade. he says he doesn't like being an "f" and will take a closer look from the recommendations to see what he can do to improve safety there. there will be more at 11:00 in our full investigation. jess? >> give us a call 888-996-tips. government records show the runway -- the runaway tour bus
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had 22 safety violations over the last year including problems with its brakes. as the bus careened down a mountain road, the driver called out to call 911. no one had cell reception. the driver survived but seven passengers were killed and dozens more injured including an 11-year-old girl who was onboard with her mother. >> she woke up, the first thing she would ask for her mom and sister and what can i say to her? >> that mother's fate is unknown. the family says they cannot get any information about her from the police. the chp or any of the hospitals. the bus was carrying a tour group from tijuana and was returning from a trip to big bear lake. new tonight at 6:00, questions about the use of a state department helicopter at a high school homecoming game. the incident was caught on camera and uploaded to youtube.
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the video shows a state agent dropping a football from the helicopter to his son on the field at oak ridge high. the stunt cost taxpayers $1,300 not including the cost of paying personnel to fly it. >> i think there needs to be a thorough investigation of who authorized this, how much cost. what was the reason behind it and basically what were they thinking? >> officials at the department say they didn't know their helicopter was being used. at least one person involved has been put on leave. the agency's director says all future flights will require his personal approval. a half a million bucks in pot up in smoke and it all played out next to a daycare facility in the south bay. authorities seized 300 to 400 pot plants from a garage of a house on scottsville court in east san jose after it caught fire in the garage around 11:45 last night. police say the small garage fire exposed an elaborate marijuana
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growing organization. faulty wiring likely sparked the fire. police are still looking for the homeowner. a 5-year-old boy from alabama is safe, but the fbi is reporting little about the rain that freed him and killed his kidnapper. police decided to storm the underground bunker late today rescuing the boy who had been held there for a week. agents say the raid was ordered after negotiations broke down with this man, the suspect in the case. investigators hinted that police agents were being helped by high-tech equipment supplied by the pentagon. the standoff began late tuesday when the suspect, jimmy lee dykes boarded a school bus fatally shooting the bus driver. he then randomly grabbed the child and took him to an underground bunker. negotiators spent days talk to go dykes through a ventilation pipe. on his first trip in his second term president obama hit the road to push for stricter gun laws. nbc bay area's janelle wang is here with that story and more in our "world tonight."
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raj, president obama chose minneapolis because the city has recently brought its crime rate to a 30-year low. the president is pushing congress to pass universal background checks, a limit on high-capacity magazines and an assault weapons ban. in his speech today the president said law enforcement should never be outgunned on the streets. universal background streets is gaining support but the ban on assault weapons is a tougher fight. >> there's even one thing we can do. if there's just one life we can save, we've got an obligation to try. we don't have to agree on everything to agree it's time to do something. >> the president is also calling for greater access to mental health care. after 28 years in the senate john kerry has started his new job as secretary of state. he received a warm welcome at the state department and then made a few brief remarks which included a big thank you to his predecessor, hillary clinton, for a job well done and said, quote, i've got big heels to fill. more forensic testing is
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being done on the body of an american woman killed while on vacation in turkey. the body of the 33-year-old was found this past weekend in istanbul. the cause of death a blow to the head. the mother of two from staten island arrived in turkey last month. she planned to come with a girlfriend who canceled at the last minute. she spoke with her family every single day including her last night there. the very next day on january 22nd, she never made it on her flight back to the u.s. turkish officials have obtained a court order to take dna samples from 21 people questioned in the murder. the young pakistani girl shot by the taliban for promoting education for young girls speaks publicly for the first time. >> translator: today i can see, i'm getting better day by day. it's because of the prayers of people. >> she thanked the public for her new life and says she plans to continue being an education activist through the malala fund. 159-year-old was shot in the head by the taliban last
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october. she was flown to england for multiple surgeries including one that reconstructed her skull and restored her hearing. she has definitely made a remarkable recovery. jessica? >> she is one brave woman. thank you very much. well, a royal mystery solved in england today. researchers outlined the dna link proving 500-year-old bones found in a parking lot are indeed those of king richard iii. that's not the only mystery being solved. richard's spine shows a distinct curvature showing he was a hunch back. he was the last british monarch to die in battle, purportedly killed by a sword to the head. but now archaeologists who discovered the skull and the bones are doubtful. >> we were sort of thinking ridiculous. we're not going 0 to find him. anyone can get trumped on the head. the very last thing to be found was the spine. and it was literally the last
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thing we uncovered on the skeleton and it wasn't until that point we might have actually done it. >> richard was stripped naked to prove he was dead and tossed to the ground without a casket. richard iii will be reburied at the cathedral near his grave. does it really get better? the new report on bullying and gay teenagers. >> also ahead, a warning for men. the common supplement that could lead to heart problems. >> and the baltimore ravens admit to a postgame blunder involving that super boehm trophy. good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. major temperature drop. 75 in gilroy. today 63. we'll have details on more major changes this week including rain coming up in a few minutes. dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso.
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you gotta taste this soup. new long-term studies suggest the bullying of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual teenagers does subside as they get older. a seven-year study found that young gay men have it worse than their lesbian peers. in 2003 just over half said they'd been bullied. by 2010 that dropped to 9% of gay and bi-sexual boys and 6% of lesbian and bi-sexual girls. big societal changes in the acceptance of gays and growing intolerance for bullying. in health matters new research finds men who take a daily dose of more than 1,000 mill dwrams of calcium from supplements had an increased
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risk of death from heart disease. the study followed nearly 400,000 people aged 50 to 7 1 for 12 years. these were in men and specifically for calcium from supplements. elderly people in the u.s., 50% of men and 70% of women, use calcium supplements often for bone health. experts say the message is there may be risks to taking high doses of calcium. people should avoid supplements and eat foods high in calcium such as skim milk and greek yogurt. baby boomers aren't healthier than the generation before. a west virginia study compared medical data from baby boomers and people who lived in previous generations from the same age. baby boomers exercise less and reported being in less excellent health. the study did find baby boomers have lower rates of heart attack and less likely to smoke.
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researchers say while boomers are expected to live longer they do have higher rates of chronic disease and more disability issues. >> jeff ranieri with us once again. it is just one of those mondays, isn't it? >> i know. i thought it was me at first. i came in, no, everybody's got the mondays today. let's get a live look outside of our sky camera network. the golden gate bridge, fog in the north bay. we have something that may cheer you up in the weather department that we haven't seen in a while. we're tracking it and i'll have it in a few minutes. and, jeff, we have a case of the mondays here in sports. i'm jim kozimor. super bowl xlvii, the slow start was too much for the niners to overcome. the baltimore ravens in new orleans and everyone still trying to dissect the 49ers' final play and whether or not it was a penalty. we'll try to get an answer straight ahead from the xfinity sports desk.
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is there a meteorological term for the monday blahs? >> i was going to merge a word but it won't come to me. i can't even think that quick. we do have something good coming your way in the seven day forecast. right now coastal conditions aren't looking too bad. wind whipped waves from 5 to 7 feet. the cloud cover, no rain on the
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radar. eventually we're going to get some of the changes on the seven-day forecast. a check here on that wet weather. november and december, it was off the charts. we had some of the major storm systems. we will picked up over 10 inches in just those two months alone and all that rainfall is keeping us at this point nearly 100% of average in san francisco. then we hit january. only six days with rain. it only accounted to 0.2 of an inch. yes, there is still hope in the weather department to possibly get more rainfall here in that forecast throughout february. we average over 4 in san fr francisco. some rain coming up. let's get you outside of that live camera network. san jose we're now stuck back in some poor air quality as we head throughout the next 48 hours. cloud cover will cap off any pollutants and we'll take you up into emeryville. city lights are looking good tonight. we have the marine layer and,
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once again, fog, as we head throughout tomorrow morning. so let's get you out here to the pacific. all of our storm systems come from the pacific and move right here across california. we have this storm out here. this guy looks pretty strong. a lot of moisture with it. but here we go again shifting all that moisture into seattle. but most importantly as we head throughout tuesday and also wednesday the jet stream will take a good dip off to the south so not only foggy and cooler for tuesday but eventually that jet stream to the south is going to get us some rainfall in here. tomorrow lower 50s at the coastline and plenty of upper 50s throughout the east and also the south bay. we mentioned the fog. it's going to be thickest, no doubt, for the north bay. we'll have low clouds for the peninsula, back to the south bay. it's going to be a slow burnoff. by 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning we'll get some sunshine in here but you can see that cloud cover will still be lingering. it's not going to be until about 2:00 and 3:00 we'll get some rays of sunshine. look at this. our computer model is picking up on some drizzle with a best chance up into the north bay.
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as far as tonight goes, temperatures are going to be in the 30s for the north bay. 36 in santa rosa. 37 in athens. 38 in concord. and throughout tuesday we'll see daytime highs in the upper 50s for the south bay. also for the east bay, 58 in dublin. 54 in the castro valley and back here to the peninsula we're also expecting upper 50s. on your seven-day forecast we get rain returning as we head throughout thursday and friday with not a large storm. the best possibility will be on thursday and we'll see a few of those linger into friday. but, as we said, there is still hope in february to get some storms in here. keeping our fingers crossed at this point for something big. >> maybe late they are week. >> hopefully. thank you, jeff. our beloved candlestick and the wrecking ball. with the new stadium nearing completion in santa clara san francisco's planning to demolish the stick. it will happen a few weeks after the end of next season.
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"the krchronicle" says a 30-secd implosion will take down the 69,000 seat stadium. gone in 30 seconds. all those memories. the 49ers, giants, and even the beatles' final contest. so what's next? eventually a concert venue and shopping district will be built. the developer says will resemble downtown walnut creek. homes and offices giving the old site a new and very different life. >> it wasn't beyonce's explosive halftime performance that caused the power outage during the super bowl. that's what stadium officials are saying tonight. beyonce's show ran on generator power not our electricity used d to power the superdome. an investigation is under way to find out the cause. officials say a line connects to the superdome's electrical system. it was a hit on social network generating over 220,000 tweets per minute and got its own
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twitter handle superdome lights. we lost the trophy. kind of. ravens head coach john harbaugh opened up his news conference by picking up the vince lombardi trophy and jokingly saying he thought they'd lost it. it was suppose d to have followd the team to a party last night but it never made it. turns out there was some confusion over which member of the ravens and the security team had it, but eventually it made it on the baltimore ravens charter back to maryland. >> i like the way we talk about it as if it were a person. maybe it had a different party to go to. 49ers' fan who made the trip to the super bowl are now coming home. some of the people in new orleans are getting ready for their next party already. >> here is another party in new orleans? >> it's always a party. it's mardi gras. here is bay area's laurence scott. >> reporter: as the cleanup begins, the city and especially the people of new orleans should certainly be reck flized for
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their hospitality from the great food that they serve up all around the crescent city to all of the sights. one of the great landmarks welco welcoming is the smithsonian exhibit. >> here we tell the story of the american experience, why it was fought, how it was won and what it means today so that everyone can come away learning and understanding the price that all these men and women served for our freedom. >> and the national world war ii museum is teamed with the pro football hall of fame to bring in the special exhibition gridiron glory and is running through early may if you plan on visiting new orleans. >> i will find a way to win. artifacts and all kinds of history is on display, a reminder that exhibits and big
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events like the super bowl come and go. in this city the party continues and they're always glad to see you. in new orleans, i'm laurence scott. i don't know if he's seen his wife or kids in a long time, he's done a great job. jim kozimor back in the bay area after his, what, weeklong stint in new orleans. welcome back, jim. >> thanks very much, raj. i appreciate it. a lot of eating in the crescent city. so much so that i have my fat pants on today, but they're just a little snug. let's talk some football. so things didn't go as planned for the 49ers at super bowl xlvii after a very bad start to things and the niners seemed to be re-energized when the lights went out at the superdome. in the end it just wasn't the niners' day. earlier today the 49ers landed safely at san jose's airport and an army of 49ers faithful fans were on hand to show their
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support for the team after sunday's loss to baltimore in that super bowl xlvii. fans still buzzing about the controversial no call on fourth and goal late in the fourth quarter. ca colin kaepernick threw to michael crabtree, appeared to be interfered with. no penalty call. jim harbaugh had this to say about the play. >> i realize i'm on the side of the 49ers. i'm the coach of the 49ers and i probably have some bias there. in my mind i wouldn't be bringing it up. there's no question in my mind that there was a pass interference and then a hold on crabtree on the last one. >> somebody grabbed me you can't whine to the ref. it is what it is. got to take it like a man. >> i thought they would throw a flag but they didn't.
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it's football, the national football league, and you have to expect these kind of things to happen. there's nothing we can do to change the hands of time. what's done is done. >> and so the super bowl over and the ravens the champions. that is yesterday's news. today the odds came out for super bowl xlviii new york and the new england patriots are the team to beat at 6-1. tight end vernon davis agrees that the 49ers will be in good shape next year. >> we're building something special. it started to happen when coach singletary stepped in. we started to build. and harbaugh just came in and he fine-tuned everything. we already had the players and, you know, that was already there. patrick willis, alex smith, frank gore. so we just needed some fine-tuning, and that's what harbaugh did. so as far as building, i think we're building something special.
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>> baseball news, the oakland a's made some noise this afternoon as they made a trade to acquire infielder lowry. lowry played at stanford in 2003 to 2005. the team getting pitcher rodriguez in exchange for the two players, chris carter and staffy back to the houston astros. lowry could be the shortstop next year. on to the ice where the sharks look to rebound the first loss 0 of the season. that is going to do it for sports for now. fat pants, snug, cream and butter on everything including toast, for goodness sakes. do i look fatter? >> no, you look good in those pants. you look good. >> i saw you looking. i saw you looking. >> jim, seriously, mood of the team, it was such a bitter way to end a great season. but the mood of the team, it's a
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lot of positives here moving forward. >> you're looking at a window of opportunity for this organization to do some very special things. i know everyone is down right now. you have to take a bit of the pain. a lot of good stuff for this 49ers team. a lot of reason to smile coming in the future for this team. we're going to give janelle a lot more chances to get those games right. >> we are proud of them. they did a great job. thanks, jim.
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coming up tonight at 11:00, pitting bay area cities against the voters. the question is whether or not it's legal for cities to limit pot dispensariedispensaries.
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after an all new diagnosis question sepgs." thanks for watching us here at 6:00. have a great evening.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> now on "extra." ♪ i'll be your baby >> you killed it. >> thank you. >> beyonce, seconds after her electrifying halftime show. they say the halftime show was so hot, the power went out. >> lord jesus is afire.
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>> maria and a.j., our super bowl dream team -- >> beyonce on the field and backstage with all the stars. >> how does she keep a dry eye? >> then -- >> the battle of the super bowl spots. which one was number one. >> no-brainer, hello? >> the eight-pack that stole the show. the man in the calvins today. >> my phone's blowing up. >> plus -- >> it is "extra" exciting. >> maria giving strahan an ice bath. the crazy moments inside the party, and she picked the ravens, he picked the niners. it's pay-up time in our biggest super bowl bet ever. >> get ready to take it off, mario! >> you thought i was serious? i was only kidding about the streak thing. >> oh, no, you weren't. >> then, lindsay's mom in the "extra" hot seat. >> do you think trouble seems to find lindsay or lindsay finds trouble? >> mario's exclusive interview with dina lohan. >> i'm the most misunderstood mother in america. >> why "the bachelor's" bad girl mother in america. >> why "the bachelor's" bad girl is hauled off to the e.r.


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